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Aluminium Rod Continuous Casting
and Rolling Line
Aluminium & Alloy Rod Continuous
Casting and Rolling Line
Copper Rod Continuous Casting
and Rolling Line
Oxygen-free Copper Rod Upward
Continuous Casting Line
铜, 铜合金杆冷轧机系列
Precision Copper Rolling Machine
Straight-line Copper Rod
Breakdown Machine
 Copper Rod Breakdown Machine
Straight-line Copper Rod
Breakdown Machine
Fine Copper Wire Drawing Machine
with Annealer
铝, 铝合金线大拉机
Straight-line Aluminium &
Alloy Rod Breakdown Machine
Lead Continuous Sheathing Extruder
Telephone Cable Core Wire Line
Wire stranding Machines
Supporting facility
Spare parts

1.产品名称及型号(Machine Name & Type)

UL+Z-1800+255/12 Copper Rod Continuous Casting and Rolling Line

Copper Scrap Continuous Casting and Rolling Line

2.产品用途(Machine Application)

* 生产线可以根据生产原料(电解铜或废紫杂铜)的不同,配备不同类型的铜炉,能分别生产直径为8mm的电解韧铜杆
According to the different kinds of production material (copper cathode or copper scrap), we can equip
with different kinds of copper treatment furnace to produce ETP rod and FRHC rod of 8mm separately.

3.产品特点(Machine Characteristic)

* 用于熔化电解铜板的竖炉具有连续优越的燃烧性能,带有自动化的氧含量控制系统。
Optimum capacity gas fired shaft furnace with automatic oxygen control system.

* 拥有专利技术的连续浇铸机。结晶轮为“H”型,四面冷却保证铸锭结晶致密且均匀。
The continuous casting machine has been awarded the patent right.
Crystallizing wheel is in type of "H", on every side of which there is an adjustable nozzle spraying
water to ensure the crystal of the cast bar close and equal.It is easy for outer cooling and side
cooling ring to rotate out from the crystallizing wheel to adjust and maintain the cooling water.
Stainless steel is adopted as material for nozzles, inner or outer or side cooling rings, each of which
is equipped with pressure indicator and flowrate adjusting valve. The pneumatic system is used for
tightening steel belt, easy for adjusting. To clear off the moisture on the surface of the steel belt,
we adopt the flame sprayer(, the carbon coating device) and the wiper relatively.

* 连轧机具有主动喂料和堆杆停车功能。独特的二辊和三辊结合的轧制方式,使得轧制的杆材具有优良的机械性能。
The continuous rolling machine has a function of automatic feeding and rods stacking stop.
With an unique rolling method combining 2-high rolling stand with 3-high rolling stand, the copper
rod is provided with a good mechanic performance. The rolling emulsion and oil pipe form a closed
system with the cooler, filter and indicator for pressure of the main pipe.

* 生产线具有铜杆表面连续还原、快速冷却功能。冷却液系统自成封闭系统,具有冷却、过滤、调节和总管压力指示功能。
The production line is provided with the function of continuous reverting for rod surface and fast cooling.
The cooling water makes a closed system by itself with cooler, filter and indicator for main pipe presssure.

* 收线导管出口处装有吹水装置,以清除铜杆表面水份。同时安装有主动牵引装置,保证铜杆的顺利导出。圆弧导向管
To clean off the moisture on the surface of the copper rod, a blower is fixed at the end of the guiding pipe.
At the same time, an pinch-roller is installed to ensure a smooth delivery of the copper rod. The arc
guiding pipe is in a trolley-guiding construction to reduce the scratch upon the wirerods surface.

* 绕杆方式为离心甩头式,一方面使铜杆在进入收线框前给予预变形;另一方面使其在轧制过程中若发生断杆,
The rod is coiled by means of centrifugal (laying head). On the one hand, the copper rod is preformed before
entering the collection basket; on the other hand, the end of rod drops down into the basket automatically
in case rod broken. The collecting basket is slewing slowly and centrifugally to form orbital coils
convenient for decoiling.

* 传动系统采用直流电机全数字式调速。可编程序控制器(PLC)与人机界面触摸屏的使用,可以对主机和辅机进行全线
The transmission system is in type of DC motors (fully-digital) speed adjusting. By adopting PLC and man-machine
interface, it can control the host and the assisting parts in type of complete line interaction. Also it can
check and display the running parameter of machines as well as indicate the breakdown.

4.技术数据(Technical Data)

熔化炉 类型(Type) 竖炉(shaft furnace)
Melting furnace 熔化率(Melting rate) 10 t/h
保温炉 类型(Type) 液压倾动式(hydraulic tilting-type)
Holding furnace 炉容量(Capacity) 8 t
(铜精炼炉) 类型(Type) 反射炉(stationary reverberatory furnace)
(Refining furnace) 炉容量(Capacity) 60-80 t
连铸机 铸轮直径(Casting ring dia.) 1800 mm
Casting machine 铸坯速度(Casting bar speed) 10.1 - 15.5 m/min
铸坯截面(Casting bar section) 2100 mm2
冷却水耗量(Water consumption) 120 m3/h
铸轮电机(Motor for casting ring) 4 kW
牵引电机(Motor of pinch roller) 5.5 kW
滚剪机 铸坯剪切长度(Shearing length) ~ 700 mm
Automatic shearer 电机(Motor) 15 kW
校直机 校直轮数(No. of straightening roller) 5
Straightener & edge shaver 刨刀数(No. of shaving tools) 4
打毛机 打毛轮(No. of brushing rollers) 4
Cast bar brushing machine 电机(Motor) 0.75 kW
连轧机 类型(Type) 粗轧为平立式二辊机架(2-high mould in roughing mill)
Rolling mill 精轧为三辊式机架(3-high mould in finishing mill)
出杆直径(Outlet rod dia.) 8 mm
机架数量(No. of rolling stand) 14 pcs
轧辊直径(Rollers' dia.) 255 mm
终轧速度(Finished rolling speed) 6 - 8.17 m/s
生产能力(Production capacity) 10 - 12 t/h
轧机中心高(Center height) 1535 mm
主电机(Main motor) 400 kW (DC)
乳化液消耗量(Emulsion consumption) 90 m3/h
冷却和表面处理装置 冷却液流量(Max. coolant flow-rate) 100 m3/h
Rod quenching and 冷却泵(Coolant pump motor) 15 kW
surface treatment unit 冷却液消耗量(Water consumption) 90 m3/h
双筐收杆机 牵引速度(pulling speed) 8.9 m/s
Rod orbital coiler 牵引电机(pulling motor) 7.5 kW
成圈直径(Coil's size) 1400 mm
成圈电机(Laying head motor) 4 kW
收杆筐尺寸(Collecting basket) φ1800×1500 mm
收杆重量(Coils’weight) 3000-5000 kg

5.生产线组成(Line Composition)
It is made up of the melting shaft furnace, (tilted) holding furnace, (reverberatory refining furnace), casting machine,
automatic shearer and cast bar (removal) unit, accessory oil-hydraulic shearer, cast bar straightening and edge shaving
machine, rolling mill, engine oil lubrication system, emulsion lubrication system, rod quenching and surface treatment
unit, rod orbital coiler, line electric control, etc.

版权所有:德阳杰创线缆机械有限责任公司  德阳东方电工控制设备有限公司
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